Podcast: Radical Love Live

Unclobber: Rethinking the Bible and LGBTQ+ Folx with Colby Martin

We are talking with Colby Martin, digital pastor, spiritual coach, and author of “Unclobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality” and “The Shift: Surviving and Thriving after Moving from Conservative to Progressive Christianity.” We jump right into the ways that the church’s interpretation of scripture and treatment of LGBTQ+ people have led to…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Unclobber: Rethinking the Bible and LGBTQ+ Folx with Colby Martin

Love Without Shame: Amber Cantorna Wylde’s liberating work for LGBTq+ and other spiritual nomads

This week we talk with Amber Cantorna Wylde, author of three books, including Unashamed (the first coming-out guide for LGBTQ people of faith). Her newest book is Out of Focus: My Story of Sexuality, Shame, and Toxic Evangelicalism. She is also the creator and host of the Unashamed Love Collective~a beautifully diverse and inclusive online…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Love Without Shame: Amber Cantorna Wylde’s liberating work for LGBTq+ and other spiritual nomads

Barry Taylor: Technology, Radical Theology, and the Future of Belief

We talk with our friend Barry Taylor, an artist, rock & roll theologian, pop philosopher, and futurist thinker, about the future of faith, the impact of technology on what we believe (and vice versa), and other provocative notions about the everyday expressions of our biggest questions. Barry Taylor https://www.instagram.com/ukbloke https://patreon.com/barrytaylor http://ertn.eu/ https://www.instagram.com/h_andco_

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Barry Taylor: Technology, Radical Theology, and the Future of Belief

Camille Hernandez: A Trauma-Informed Faith

This week we talk with Camille Hernandez, author of The Hero and the Whore: Reclaiming Healing and Liberation through the Stories of Sexual Exploitation in the Bible. In her book, trauma-informed educator and minister Camille Hernandez dives deep into the Bible’s stories of exploitation and abuse to name the difficult truths buried in Scripture, address…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Camille Hernandez: A Trauma-Informed Faith

Deconstructing the Straight White Male: A Conversation with Chris Furr

Is it OK to be a Straight White Male today? What does it mean for a straight White male to look critically at his identity while still being true to himself? Does he have something to lose, or something to gain? This week we talk with Chris Furr, the author of Straight White Male: A…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Deconstructing the Straight White Male: A Conversation with Chris Furr

Rev. Dr. Robert R.A.Turner: Racial Healing and Creating a Culture of Repair

Many people are aware of the injustices Black Americans have suffered over the centuries but feel powerless when it comes to repairing the harm done. This week, Mark talks with Rev. Dr. Robert Turner about his personal journey and experiences; racial healing through peaceful means; his upcoming Book, Creating A Culture of Repair – Taking…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Rev. Dr. Robert R.A.Turner: Racial Healing and Creating a Culture of Repair

American Idolatry: Talking About Christian Nationalism with Andrew Whitehead

Christian Nationalism has been coming up a lot in our national dialogue, along with the fear, violence, and power struggles that come with it. This week, we talk with Andrew Whitehead, who a leading scholar on Christian nationalism in America and speaks widely on its effects within Christian communities. In this book “American Idolatry: How…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
American Idolatry: Talking About Christian Nationalism with Andrew Whitehead

Ashleigh Nelson: Embodying an Evolving Faith

This week we talk with Ashleigh Nelson, the Executive Director of Evolving Faith, an annual conference and year-round resource that “exists to cultivate love and hope in the wilderness, pointing fellow wanderers and misfits to God as we embody resurrection for the sake of the world.” We reflect on this year’s conference and where the…

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Ashleigh Nelson: Embodying an Evolving Faith

When the War is Religious

In the midst of current wars, particularly in the Middle East, is religion the problem? Using the Israel/Gaza conflict as a starting off point, we talk about what to do when religion seems to be driving individuals and nations apart–and whether religion can still serve a role in finding peace.

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
When the War is Religious

Kimberly Stover: Question Everything, or the Work of Deconstruction

This week we talk with Kimberly Stover, writer, blogger, podcaster, and deconstruction advocate. We talk about how questioning everything has fueled her journey, and the freedom and individuality she found on the other side. A really refreshing view of life in the midst of, and beyond, deconstruction.

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Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Kimberly Stover: Question Everything, or the Work of Deconstruction