The Truth about Mary Magdalene–and why it matters! With Rita L. Houlihan

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
The Truth about Mary Magdalene--and why it matters! With Rita L. Houlihan

The Truth about Mary Magdalene–and why it matters! With Rita L. Houlihan

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
The Truth about Mary Magdalene--and why it matters! With Rita L. Houlihan

We are honored to have a visit from Rita L. Houlihan, who is a passionate advocate for telling the true story about the life and ministry of the “mysterious” Mary Magdalene–and why it matters for the modern church’s understanding of the Gospels. She is also on the Board of Directors of FutureChurch, an organization dedicated to seeking “changes that will provide all Roman Catholics the opportunity to participate fully in Church life, ministry, and governance,” including, among other reforms, “s return to the Church’s earliest tradition, modeled on the inclusive practice of Jesus, of recognizing both female and male leaders of faith communities” Rita is committed to restoring our historical memory of early Christian women leaders with a special focus on Mary Magdalene and the women omitted from our Sunday Lectionary readings. She is also a patron of the arts, carrying through her mission by commissioning new artworks which “counter centuries of negative images of Mary Magdalene.” A fascinating look at a much-misunderstood but very important figure in Christian history.