Drugs, Sex, and…God? A talk with Ryan Joseph Allen about Transformation

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Drugs, Sex, and...God? A talk with Ryan Joseph Allen about Transformation

Drugs, Sex, and…God? A talk with Ryan Joseph Allen about Transformation

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
Drugs, Sex, and...God? A talk with Ryan Joseph Allen about Transformation

Dr. Ryan Joseph Allen, Author, Speaker, and Transformational Coach, talks with us about his life’s journey, which began with depression, addiction, shame, and alienation, and led him through a rollercoaster of ups and downs before he connected with God through the most unlikely of evangelists: His drug dealer. Dr. Allen shares with us how his experiences inspired him to break destructive cycles, embrace his authentic self–including his LGBTQ+ sexual identity, and to work with others to support, motivate, and lead them to love. Allen is the author of “My Drug Dealer Brought Me to God,” (available on Amazon and other booksellers) and works extensively in the nonprofit sector to help improve the lives of others.