An Interview with Salemu Alimasi

Hometown: EMM
Hometown: EMM
An Interview with Salemu Alimasi

An Interview with Salemu Alimasi

Hometown: EMM
Hometown: EMM
An Interview with Salemu Alimasi

Today’s episode of Hometown features an interview with Salemu Alimasi. Salemu and his family, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, came to the U.S. as refugees in 2011 and settled in Houston. A passionate advocate for years, Salemu has worked as a grassroots community organizer with Church World Service since 2023. 

We invite you to join us for a lively conversation where we learn about Salemu’s early years, his family’s experiences living in refugee camps, and the transition and adjustment to living in the U.S. Prepare to be inspired by Salemu’s passion and commitment to advocating for the rights and protections of all forced migrants. 

For even more background on Salemu, we encourage you to visit the EMM blog on our website for a three-part series on Salemu’s journey – Salemu’s story, Part 1: Child of Lake Tanganyika – Episcopal Migration Ministries. Thank you for listening. 

Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram where we are emmrefugees.  


Join in the ministry of welcome by making a gift to Episcopal Migration Ministries. No gift is too small, and all gifts are used to sustain and expand our work resettling refugees, supporting asylum seekers, and creating welcoming communities for all of our immigrant siblings. Visit or text HOMETOWN to 91999. 


Our theme song composer is Abraham Mwinda Ikando. Find his music at