The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry

Hosted ByThe Most Rev. Michael Curry

This podcast offers ways to engage with the Way of Love, The Episcopal Church’s intentional commitment to practicing faith by following Jesus. Hear stories and get practical advice from Bishop Michael Curry and others who are putting the Way of Love practices (Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest) into action.

Rest – “At peace with the one who made you”

The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry
The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry
Rest – “At peace with the one who made you”

Rest – “At peace with the one who made you”

The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry
The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry
Rest – “At peace with the one who made you”

In a world that often confuses rest with sleep or passive consumption or a means to do more later, God invites us to dedicate time for restoration and wholeness – within our bodies, minds, and souls, and within our communities and institutions. By resting, we place our trust in God, the primary actor who brings all things to their fullness.

But that doesn’t mean resting is always easy. If rest is so good and so important, why do so many of us find it so difficult to practice? Bishop Curry talks about how living near an Orthodox Jewish community in Baltimore helped him to finally understand the value of real sabbath-taking, along with the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

Join us this week as we talk about stepping away from the noise and activity of daily life – even for a moment or two – and stepping closer to God and each other.

Next week on the podcast: Worship

Music Credits: Ana Hernandez; “Dragon Country (Apple & Clove)” by Axeltree via Free Music Archive (CC BY 4.0)


More about the Way of Love

Episode 3 Reflection Guide

Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers

Oliver Sacks’ article, “Sabbath”

Traveling the Way of Love: Rest

Episode Transcript