The devoted atheist who wants us see each other’s (God-given) humanity

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
The devoted atheist who wants us see each other's (God-given) humanity

The devoted atheist who wants us see each other’s (God-given) humanity

Radical Love Live
Radical Love Live
The devoted atheist who wants us see each other's (God-given) humanity

What is the connection between religion and radicalization? When either one turns into dehumanizing others, there is quite an overlap between the two. This week we talk with online personality The Fallen Ape-Theist (formerly known as the Faithiest Atheist) about his spiritual journey that led him to a kind of faith-friendly-atheism that frustrates believers and non-believers alike (albeit with a great sense of humor), and more seriously, how his military and counter-terrorism experience taught him about the dehumanizing power of radicalization–whether through religion, politics, or any movement that goes to the extremes.

We talk about how our polarized society contributes to extreme views, how social media pours fuel on the fire, the first-hand experiences that he has had facing and disrupting radicalization, and the kind of community he maintains online, where people with differing views can talk with one another without thinking of others as less than human just because they disagree.Remember to come see us in person at Theology Beer Camp October 17-19
Denver, CO 
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